
Online Banking

About Me

Curiosity led Mihir Patel to banking, and his commitment to community and customer service make him a natural fit for Banking Texas Style.

“The service CBTx employees provide to their customers is more personal than other banks,” Mihir said. “At CBTx we treat all customers the same. You could be a $50 million customer or a $50 customer and you will get the same service. That is Banking Texas Style to me.”

Mihir joined the CBTx team in 2019. He had a wide range of educational and work experience, including a bachelor’s degree in accounting, but he wanted to learn the banking industry from the inside out and the bottom up.

“I was always curious how banks work and why they can lend money to some businesses and not to others, which inspired me to join the bank and learn how banking works,” he said. “I came looking for a job in accounting, but at that point there was no accounting job open. So, I applied for digital banking specialist and got hired in 2019. Since then, I have worked as a teller, new accounts specialist, post office specialist, credit analyst, business banking specialist and now loan officer.”

A native of Gujarat, India, Mihir spent ten years in boarding school and three years in an Indian university before moving to Texas. He worked 70 hours a week in a gas station while attending community college full time, making the Dean’s List four semesters in a row. After his family purchased a hotel in Nacogdoches, he started attending Stephen F. Austin State University while working nights at CVS.

Mihir still helps his family manage the hotel while using his position at the bank to support other businesses in his community.

“Most of my customers are Indian business owners and I feel like I connect with them personally,” Mihir said. “I care about the satisfaction of my customers, and I want them to be happy with the products and services we provide at CBTx. Additionally, I am motivated by the opportunity to build lasting relationships with my customers and to learn more about them and their needs.”

Mihir lives with his wife, Nikita, his son, Avi, and his parents Mahendra and Manju. He is a member of the Jaycees and is active in the Indian community. 

Fun Facts

What kind of music inspires you and why?

Classical or devotional because they calm my mind and help me focus.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.

I dream of being a standup comedian one day.

Who was the best concert you ever attended?

Shreya Ghoshal (Indian female singer).

Who would you consider to be your hero?

My parents because of all the sacrifices they have made to give me all the things they didn’t have and for pushing me to get an education and get a nice job.

Commercial Bank of Texas, N.A

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